Demo 12.7.16

Becky explained her steps in creating a painting.

Becky explained her steps in creating a painting.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 was our Christmas meeting when we had a Chinese gift exchange that included lots of hand-made items including crafts and original paintings. Everyone had fun stealing gifts and opening new ones from the gift table until everyone had a gift and all the gifts were open.

Our guest demonstrator was Becky Taylor, a watercolor artist who offers classes in her studio.  See more at:

She created a complete watercolor painting as she explained her steps.

Holding her color palette she selected before starting the painting.

Holding her color palette, she selected before starting the painting.



Started with a completely wet paper adding color for the background.

Started with a completely wet paper adding color for the background.

Needed a level surface for adding the sails on the boats.

Needed a level surface for adding sails on the boats.

Adding a oyster bed and boat details.

Adding an oyster bed and boat details.




Finished! The mat made the painting pop off the paper!

Finished! The mat made the painting pop off the paper!