Demo 12.6.17

Christmas Party and a demo by Pam Corwin

Our Christmas party was hosted by our Vice President, Katherine  Hester, in her beautiful home.  Everyone brought a light snack to share and a small gift for a crazy gift exchange.

Afterwards, Pam Corwin brought her fish molds, paper and paint to give us a try at fish printing, more formally known as Gyotaku.  Gyotaku is the traditional Japanese method of printing fish, a practice which dates back to the mid-1800s. This form of nature printing was used by fishermen to record their catches, but has also become an art form of its own.

Pam had acrylic molds of 4 different local fish that we used  instead of using a real fish.  We brushed acrylic paint on the molds and pressed a piece of good quality sketch paper to the mold.  For best results, you need to take time to press the paper firmly on all surfaces of the fish.  The paper will wrinkle a little, but generally flattens.

The results are in the photos below.  Thanks for a fun cultural experience, Pam.

Pam showing us how to make a good print.  You can also see what the molds look like without paint.









Stephanie’s and Jan’s print




























